After a near five year hiatus, Copyright Recordings returns with a host of new releases on the horizon for 2011, with the first release - KORT's 'Tomorrow' - already hitting No.1 spot on the Traxscource chart!

During the recording of their 2008 artist album Voices & Visions, Copyright put the label on ice to concentrate on their own productions, but now feel that the time is right to start the label up again. and with releases from Kort, DJ Meme and Firebeatz already scheduled for this year, it seems like the duo’s A&R ears have been burning for some time now. We caught up with Copyright’s Sam Holt to get the lowdown…

Copyright Recordings is back! It’s been a while…why do you feel the time is to rejuvenate it?

We used to love doing the label. When we got stuck into our artist album a few years back we put it on hold, and we felt it was time get it going again. We were chatting to Simon [Dunmore] in Ibiza last year and we all felt it was a great time to get it going again.  We are constantly getting sent demos and this way we can get involved and work with some really cool people, and it adds a new dimension to our musical workload. It’s great signing a track, working on the development of it and then testing out when we play each weekend.

What’s the release schedule like for the rest of the year…what should we be looking out for?

We’re kicking off with Kort’s ‘Tomorrow’. Kort are two guys from the UK bringing some wicked afro and tribal influence to the table. You might recognise it actually, as it won the Most Rated producer competition earlier this year! Then we've got a huge record from the Brazilian Maestro DJ Meme 'Canto Pro Mar', which has been rocking floors all over the world so far for us and Simon. Following that we've got a couple of really cool projects from Born II Funk and the seriously up and coming Dutch duo Firebeatz.  We will be releasing some Copyright productions too on the label, but the aim is to kick off with all these  tracks from other producers. We’re always looking for new production teams and we’re looking to work closely with all the people we are signing, and try to develop a series of releases.

The scene’s changed a bit since you last put a record out..has the A&R policy also changed?

Our A&R policy is simple, if we love it and we play it in our sets, then we'll try and sign it. All the tracks so far have an afro, latin or tribal influence which has always been a big make up of our sound, so really the label is an extension of that. The musical landscape has changed a lot, but at the end of the day it’s about doing what you do best! If young producers dig our vibe then hopefully they'll approach us with tracks for the label and we can help them develop. And they can keep us one our toes!

Kort ‘Tomorrow’ is out now

If you think you’ve got the sound Copyright are after, they want to hear from you! Please send all demos to