Although the skies around Europe have been abnormally clear for this time of year, there has been a sinister shadow emanating from Iceland that has been causing chaos across one of the busiest airspaces in the world. The Eyjafjallajokull volcano (try pronouncing that one after a heavy night out) has been spewing hot ash and steam into the atmosphere for nearly a week now, causing commuter chaos and stranding people across the globe.

For many, this comes a little more than a passing point of geothermal interest, but for those whose livelihood depends upon aviation as a means of travel - of which DJs makes up a substantial proportion - it's more of a problem. If you were out partying at the weekend you'll know what we mean; hundreds, potentially thousands of would-be performers have cancelled at the last minute as they simply couldn't reach their indented destination. However, among all the chaos there have been stories of epic road-trips from DJs and performers who share the same 'never say die' attitude.

One such story comes from the Defected camp, told in his own words by here by Simon Dunmore...

It is 11pm on Friday night and I’m supposed to be playing in Switzerland the following evening.  I check the British Airways website. Fuck…Fuck..Shit...Fuck...Bollocks and Fuck again! Fucking cancelled...fuck! First a BA cabin crew strike and now acts of God...the world is really not as it should be at the moment...FUCK!

The phone rings. It’s Simon Marlin from the Shapeshifters “We’ve got a gig in Macedonia and we’re driving!” he shouts “It’s only 1,100 miles, we’ll do it in a day or so, bit like a Top Gear road trip! Let’s ‘av it!!!!” (hear about their epic journey right here).

I put phone down. He’s definitely got the right attitude. DJs have a great life and probably get pandered to far more than they actually deserve so when the going gets tough why pussy out? The tough are meant to get tougher.

Marlin used to be in the army so he is used to military manoeuvres, but this was a new adventure for me. I actually got quite excited. I phone Miss Divine. “Be at mine for 8am! We’re driving to Switzerland!” I booked the Euro Tunnel, printed out my AA route finder (680 miles) and packed a suitcase full of crisps, sandwiches, chocolate and lashings of ginger beer! Fucking volcano ash...we’ll show those pussy airlines!

We left at 8.30. Sam actually arrived at 7.30 in full makeup so she must have got up at about 4am I reckon, long before I was awake anyway! The roads were clear, the weather glorious and 11 hours later we arrived in Laussane to do the MAD club. The promoter was shocked, the manager of the club was in awe and the crowd were astonished that we had made the journey. I have to admit that I was too knackered to actually enjoy the gig to the max but the place was jumpin’ and it made all the effort worthwhile. All For The Love Of House! :-)

4 hours sleep. Back in the car and 8 hours back to Calais. We ended up getting to the euro tunnel an hour we ram raided the duty free!

We arrived back at mine at 10.30. Miss Divine twittered and tweeted the whole way there and back, she had been in a car for over 20 hours, rocked the MAD for 2 hours and had less than a few hours sleep…and she looked glammed to the max!!! WTF!?

VOLCANO.....ERUPTION......LAVA....ASH....PLANES FALLING FROM THE SKY?????? We really do make a meal of things these days. Just imagine if you were booked to play in Pompeii for the Vesuvius opening party just a few hundred years ago! Even then I bet Miss Divine’s make up would still have been intact!
