Romanian experimentalist Rhadoo is behind the latest fabric mix album – fabric 72.

Rhadoo, renowned for his forward-thinking manoeuvring within the minimal, tech and tribal house spaces, uses largely unreleased tracks – several by other Romanians including Adrian Niculae, Vlad Caia and SIT, and one solo effort, Circul Globus.  There are outings, too, for fabric Musical Director Craig Richards (remixing Wulf n’ Bear’s mid-Nineties tech-house classic Raptures Of The Deep), and Ukraine duo Yourayo.  The overall vibe is one of 3am, groove-heavy minimalism.

“Most of the tracks are unreleased from friends.  I’m always looking for fresh crazy tracks to keep me interested” Rhadoo says.  “I’ve wanted to do a mix like this for ages and thought about doing it on my label, but the mix for fabric was the perfect opportunity.  I wanted to present these artists to more people as they are not very well known but [are] really talented.”

Rhadoo hosts a launch party at fabric on November 9 (more details TBA), following the release of the album on October 21.

01. SIT - Jazzocorason
02. Adrian Niculae – Contrast
03. Yourayo - Blueprint
04.Visullucid - Eramarble
05. Xandru – Chapo
06. Vlad Radu - A2
07. Wulf n’ Bear - Raptures Of The Deep (Craig Richards Remix)
08. VincentIulian - Rman 2
09. Tulbure – Stalker
10. Rhadoo - Circul Globus
11. Faster – Protocol
12. Traian Chereches - Fast Lane 4
13. Dragosh - Have A
14. Barac Nicolae - Frou Frou
15. Laurine Frost - Let's Feed The Wolf (Petre Inspirescu Remix)
16. Vlad Caia – Ticktockclockityclock
17. Diogo - Fearnot