John Dahlback is the latest DJ/producer to put in his lot with us here at Defected, and we're just itching to start working with the uber-talanted Swedish producer that's been on pretty much every House guru's lips for the past few months. Thankfully, we don't need to wait long to get started; his first single 'Autumn' taken from the as yet unnamed forthcoming album is due out next week, so we took this opportunity to get a little up close and personal with Stockholm's favourite son...

Tell us about the new deal with Defected…

It’s a big honour for me, and they have a great plan for the biggest impact possible with the new album. I feel very relaxed to put it out with Defected. An album means more than just a single to me since I've been working so long with it, but these guys know what they're doing and I'm very happy.

Why did you decide to release your album with them?

I've always had great respect for Defected, they have put out some of the biggest and best tracks of the genre. Even though my sound isn't typical for the label, it’s just another proof that they are truly in it for the music.

Tell us about the current single Autumn…what genre would you put it in?

Autumn is a great track for me. It has a good beat, catchy melody and big breaks. The funny thing is, I don't have any clues about genres these days, everything is so blended. I would call it House, with no subgenres attached!

What can we expect from the album next year?

I'm so proud of the album. It’s probably the first time I’ve ever been able to listen through a dance music album without skipping. I think it’s pretty edgy – in my head at least – but with a lot of soul. I'm so tired of loopy music these days and I'm happy a lot of producers are going back to the roots of House music.

Who would be your ideal collaboration be with?

I'm not a big fan of sitting in the studio with someone else; I'm a bit of a control freak and like to have things my way when making music. If I would pick someone, it would be someone from another genre in music, just to try out new things.

Anything else you’d like to tell us about…? 

Keep your eyes and ears open for the release of the singles and album. It’s a massive one!

'Autumn' is released on the 19th of October of Defected Records.